100% organic fertilizer from various natural sources enhance plant growth, active natural plant defences and improve soil health
Using our outstanding technology to transform food production waste, bonemeal and guano into rich nutrients comprehensive organic fertilizer . KOSEME organic fertilizer provides all kinds of nutrition and trace elements to help growth of plants and improve soil structure and balance of Ph value also increase capacity of holding moisture meanwhile enhance water penetration to maximize nutrient uptake.
Granular Natural Nitrogen
Process from waste of corn

Granular Natural Phosphorous Process from seabird guano mines

・ RICH KEY AMINO ACIDS were produced by enzymatic corn.
・ AMINO ACIDS favours chlorophyll and protein synthesis
・AMINO ACIDS acts as biostimulants to enhance plant and fruit growth.
AMINO ACIDS promote plant o resist drought , coldness, and ability to anti-disease
AMINO ACIDS helps adding sweetness of fruits

・ Guano contains a living microbial flora which enhances organic matter , encouraging microbial activity which improvise nutrient uptake, plant health and soil moisture levels. ・ Phosphorus is necessary for plant to transform energy ,blooming
・ Calcium is important for soil pH ,soil health and cell wall development in plants.
・ Calcium also reduces the toxic effect from sodium and from soil borne fungi such as root rot and phytophthora.

Granular Natural Potash
Process from Palm Bunch Ash

Granular Natural soil improver
Process from Mg and Ca mining

Potassium is vital in plants growth, as it strengths their cells , increasing their resistance to stress and diseases.
Potassium helps increase stalk strength and promotes strong buds.

KOSEME –OgK1 not only gives the basic nutrients, its high pH also neutralized the soils acidity, especially in peat areas and acidic soils with low potash.
Good for all kinds of plants—fruits tress, vegetables, flowers ,etc.

・ Improve soil structure

・ Helps balance of pH in soil

・ Help plant health and root growth

Granular Natural Phosphorous
Process from beef bonemeal

Granular multifunction organic fertilizer
compounded with Ogk1and Ogp1


KOSEME –OgP2 contains both of phosphorous and calcium which are the two extremely important nutrients for plants.
Phosphorous is for root development and seed ripening, promoting strong , healthy root systems and beautiful blooms.
Calcium helps with cell formation and neutralizes acids to detoxify the plant.
Also helps balance of pH in soil.
Potash encourage water retention in plants , increase corp yields, improve taste and help plants resist disease.
Phosphoric supports strong cell development and enhance plants growth.
Calcium can neutralize acidic soils
Slow-released multifunction fertilizer
adds nutrients to the soil by naturally breaking down and decomposing.
Good for all fruits and vegetables.